Junction Elementary School District

Dedicated to excellence in education

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    The purpose of Child Find is to identify, locate and evaluate children and youth ages birth to 21 years of age who are suspected of having, or having a diagnosed disabiity or developmental delay, in order to provife appropriate special education services under the law.

    A child/student must be evaluated and identified as having a disability to be eligible for special education programs and related services.

    Anyone can refer a child or children, including:

    • Parents/legal guardians
    • Other family members
    • Physicians
    • School Personnel
    • Child care providers
    • Community agencies
    • Infants & Toddlers Program
    • When birth complications or a medical disorder interferes with development and/or learning
    • When the child seems to have difficulty understanding simple directions
    • When the child seems to have difficulty hearing or seeing
    • When you or others outside the family don't understand the child's speech
    • When the child appears to be learning more slowly than other children his/her age
    • When the child appears to have social or emotional difficulties that affect his/her ability to learn or interact with others
    • When a child has a diagnosed progressive or degenerative condition that will eventually impair or impede his/her ability to learn 






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CUPCCAA - Contractor Application

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