• Welcome To Our Preschool Site!

    Young Pirate Next To A Treasure Chest

    Ongoing Enrollment Throughout the School Year

    All students ages 3 to 5 years, independent in the bathroom, are eligible to enroll.

    3, 4 or 5 day programs; half or full days available!

    Pick up packets at the Junction Elementary Office, Junction Preschool Room 104

    2024-2025 Family Handbook

    Call for a tour or more information

    530-547-3274 or 530-515-4745

    The goal of Junction Preschool is to assist children in learning about themselves and the world around them in order to prepare them for Kindergarten and the love of learning. Concepts such as staying in line, taking turns, sharing, learning and following instructions, and playing together will be emphasized. Core academic and pre-academic skills will be addressed such as learning shapes, colors, counting, alphabet, basic writing, fine and large motor skills, and fundamental concepts important in becoming a strong student.

  • Preschool Leaders 

    Ms. Terry Brock
    Preschool Director/Teacher
    Tammy Potter-Goddard
    Preschool Teacher
    Earth Light Lowe
    Preschool Teacher
    Alyna Macallister
    Preschool Teacher's Aide